

Priscila Sales Picoli1, Thabata Koester Weber2, Ione Morita3

1 Graduate Program of public Health, Botucatu School of Medicine,Paulista State University (UNESP), Botucatu/SP, Brazil. 2 Institute of Biosciences of the Paulista State University (UNESP), Botucatu/SP, Brazil. 3 Public Health Department, Botucatu School of Medicine,Paulista State University (UNESP), Botucatu/SP, Brazil

Background: Today, obesity is considered a serious public health problem that affects all populations. It is related to all the aspects of human conditions - social, emotional, and health - caused by overweight. When the clinical treatment for severe obesity is not effective, bariatric surgery becomes an option, as it has shown positive results in weight loss and maintenance. A descriptive and cross study was carried out with patients submitted to bariatric surgery at the Clinical Hospital of the Botucatu School of Medicine, Botucatu/ SP, Brazil. Objective: The aim was to describe the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics associated with the results of weight loss, and to assess quality of life through the BAROS (Bariatric Analysis and Reporting Outcome System) protocol. Methods: We used a sample of 131 patients submitted to bariatric surgery in outpatient follow-up. The patients were divided into two groups considering the 50th percentile for achieved success and non-achieved success. In the preoperative period, the patients’ BMI (Body Mass Index) corresponded to class III obesity, above 40 kg/m2. Results: In the postoperative period, all the patients had a reduction in the BMI and minimization of the comorbidities. The socioeconomic and demographic variables indicate that level of schooling and age group are related to higher weight loss, while per capita income was associated with lower weight loss. There was no association between the investigated variables and the result of the BAROS protocol. Conclusion: The improvement in quality of life after the bariatric surgery is not influenced by socioeconomic and demographic factors. However, higher level of schooling, lower age and lower per capita income are associated with higher weight loss.